How to Stimulate Creativity in Your Kids

Parents always want to have creative intelligent kids. There are certain paradigms to adopt so the parents can understand how to cultivate creativity simply from their home.

How to create enough space of creativity at home

  1. Messy home is a sign of intelligence, good creativity and creating memories.

Complex thought and monopoly ideas mostly come from those with strong brain power, but they only have limited energy to do mundane household chores.

  1. Intelligent people won’t bother what people might say or think about them and their house. So despite how messy your house might be looked alike, pay attention more on what kind of investment (time, energy, money) you’ve done to your loving kids, to pave their way of creativity.

You know how is the paradigm of creative people? They prefer to produce something, that that invention or creation will create events, certain scenario inside the house that will be remained in their memories.

So when your son start focusing on creating a sculpted metal hand with realistic detail, you know he is doing something brilliant!

This is the tendency of creative people from Albert Einstein until Mark Zuckerberg!

Messy home vs Tidy home

Messy rooms stimulate creativity and out-of-the-box thinking process. Having a messy house, it means the parents and the kids are creative people.

Whilst neat and tidy room is for people who always play safe and refuse a breakthrough. This environment will create a rigid subconscious mindset that creating something is useless, failure and rejection will be taken seriously.

Create enough space for the kids and let them understand the important to keep on learning. Failure is a good way to learn anything. Rejection is a good way to understand yourself and your surrounding. There’s nothing wrong with them.

Planting the right seeds to your baby’s subconscious mind is really important, especially from the age of 3 – 6, where their subconscious mind is very active to define the roles of the people in their life. Of course it includes the definition of creativity and creations.

So mommy, stop worriying of your house gets messy and let your little ones be creative.

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